
Food for All and Second Harvest Japan

What are some of features that groups have in common? How do they differ in ?

Both of them supply poor people like homeless with many foods which can be eaten, but became waste.
Food for All is a philosophy of community and mainly collects money from charity shop. While, Second Harvest Japan cooperate with many food companies and gather foods from them.

What are the main activities or events of them?

Food for All: The group make poor people like homeless study new skills and help them make informed choices and discover their solutions themselves. They make them have self confidence and responsibility by involving with procedures and volunteers.
2HJ: The group has four volunteer activities mainly; supplying homeless with foods at Ueno Park every Saturday, delivering foods directly for people or families who can not eat enough food, collecting foods from food companies, supermarkets and farmers and telling many people in their lectures.

From what you saw on their websites, what surprised or interested you the most?

 The most surprising thing for me is that the number of the poor is aaout two hundred million although Japan is one of developed countries. Also, I was surprised the amount of waste food is as much as the amount of producing rice.

How would you be able to offer help to either organization -- as a volunteer or supporter?

I think we can donate money or our time in Second Harvest Japan. I suppose that it is difficult to donate food from our houses because we usually use all foods we bought. Therefore, we can contribute some money within our salary of part-time jobs as possible. Also, we can cook and distribute  foods as volunteers with using our time.

Which groups seems to be more active? Why do you think so?

I suppose Second Harvest Japan is more active than Food for All because the former connect with many food companies directly and can prevent wasting food faster than the latter. Also, because of this, the freshness of food can be kept more.

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