
Food Culture Quiz in Christine Science Monitor

How many scores did you get?

Today, I took a food culture quiz in Christine Science Monitor. I'll tell you my score.

My score was 76 and it was higher than the average users' score. But, I feel that the quiz was difficult for me and it can't be said that I am not a real foodie yet. After I took this quiz, I decide to deepen my knowledge related food more.
I'll tell you the problem that I made a mistake.
To begin with, I mistook the question " What is foie gras?" I didn't know foie gras. Foie gras is a French dish and it is a paste of foie gras. Also, it is used duck liver. From the beginning, I thought the dish is French because the spell is not English. After I searched the word, I knew it and Japanese call it フォアグラ. The food is very expensive and I have eaten it only once.
Next, I mistook the question about the salad fork. First, I thought salad fork is a serving fork. But, my thought was wrong. Salad fork is smaller than the other fork and it is located in the furthest from the dish. we, Japanese usually use chopstick and we don't use some types of fork even if we eat dishes with using fork. It comes from the differences of each cultures.
Finally, I want to introduce the quiz I was most surprided. The quiz is about how to clean a cast iron skillet. I thought that the answer is the way soak in water and soap it. But, it was wrong. The answer is " Rinse with hot water and use a little salt." I was surprised because I have been soaking in water and soaping it. According to the explanation, soaping accelerate to cover with rust. I will clean a cast iron skillet in this way.
I thought that the merit of this quiz is related to food of all types. For eaxample, there are how to clean a cast iron skillet, some French dishes, spice, the type of food and so on. I will get new information about food if you take this quiz.
Who will be a foodie? I hope someone will get high score.

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