
Today's Breakfast

Green Curry and Rice

Today, I ate green curry and rice in breakfast. The name of the can is "Chicken and Thai Curry of Inaba"
The can of curry is very famous. Besides, it's cheap and maybe I bought 90 yen.

I ate the curry with fish sause, "num pla". Num pla is a popular seasoning in Southeast Asia. It has strong  and unique smell. Maybe, some favores it, but others don't.  I felt that Adding num pla made the taste  of green curry mild.

Green curry was tastey for me. But, it was hot. Today, I ate it with Japanese Rice (Japonica). But, I want to eat with Indica if I have a chance to buy it. People eat green curry with Indica in authentic flavors.

The green curry, "Chicken and Thai Curry of Inaba" is sold in many supermarkets and please try to eat it.

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