
Final Book Evaluations of My Partners

Partner 1

Name: Saeko Onishi

Book's Title: Food and Feast in Tudor England

Summery of its content: This book is on food life of people who are between upper and lower class in Tudor England. In this era, everything was decided by their social class. People of upper class spent much money on preparing banquet so that they could show off how gorgeous it is to their guest.

What she liked best about the book: The book is written by clear English and has many color pictures.

Some of the book's flaws: The author does not know how much fresh fruits or vegetables they ate at that time.

Partner 2

Name: Shoko Izumi

Book's Title: Good Growing Why Organic Farming Works

Summery of its content: We can learn how organic foods are good for our health and the current situation of organic farming.

What she liked best about the book: She can be familiar with healthy foods.

Some of the book's flaws: This book is too detailed, so some technical wors are difficult.

Partner 3

Name: Mikoto Ishida

Book's Title: The Sociology of Food

Summery of its content: The culture of food is written with various countries' histories. The differences of gender and social class are also written.

What she liked best about the book: She was surprised at the difference of gender about eating, so the chapter is best for her.

Some of the book's flaws: It is hard to understand the contents of this book for her.

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